Embark on a magical adventure in "Bewitched," a captivating visual novel set within the hallowed halls of Magicae University. As a non-magical student, you'll navigate unexpected twists and turns, unraveling mysteries hidden within the ancient walls. Inspired by popular culture, this game blends mystery, adventure, and humor for a refreshingly unique student experience. Explore enchanting landscapes, meet quirky characters, and discover your hidden potential. Will you follow the rules, or forge your own path? The choice is yours.
Bewitched's Key Features:
In Conclusion:
Prepare to be enchanted by "Bewitched." This visual novel delivers a compelling narrative, blending pop culture charm with immersive gameplay. Experience thrilling adventures, grapple with moral dilemmas, and lose yourself in the game's beautiful visuals. Download "Bewitched" today and begin your magical university journey!
Latest Version0.0.69 |
Category |
Requires AndroidAndroid 5.1 or later |
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