Introducing CashBoxNG, the ultimate savings app that empowers you to save securely anytime, anywhere. Effortlessly set aside funds for the future while earning interest on your savings. Whether it's securing your children's future, working towards a specific goal, or simply establishing regular savings habits, CashBoxNG has you covered.
Personalize your savings journey with features like Vault and Cliques. Collaborate with family and friends to save together, making saving a shared experience. Rest assured, your security is paramount with bank-grade encryption and 24/7 customer support.
Join CashBoxNG today and embark on a secure savings adventure.
App Features:
CashBoxNG is your secure savings haven, offering a suite of features tailored to your needs. Choose the plan that suits you best from KidsBox, Target, Regular, Vault, Swift, and Cliques. Enjoy bank-grade security, transparent transactions, and unwavering customer support. Sign up for free and start saving securely today with CashBoxNG.
Latest Version7.1.0 |
Category |
Requires AndroidAndroid 5.1 or later |
Aplicativo útil para quem quer economizar. A interface é simples e intuitiva. Recomendo!
Приложения неплохое, но могло бы быть и лучше. Некоторые функции не очень удобны.
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