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Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry
4.1 18 Views
Dec 10,2024

Introducing "Devil May Cry: Peak of Combat," a wildly popular mobile action RPG that has taken the gaming world by storm. Developed by NebulaJoy under the watchful eye of the original Japanese DMC development team, this game is a captivating spin-off of the Devil May Cry series, seamlessly integrating elements from multiple installments in the beloved franchise. With its high-octane combat and exhilarating gameplay, players traverse expansive levels, annihilating hordes of demons and earning Stylish Rank points based on their prowess. While certain features have been thoughtfully simplified for the mobile platform, the game still offers a diverse roster of characters, weapons, and game modes, providing an immersive and thrilling gaming experience. So gear up, take arms, and prepare for a peak of combat like never before! Download now.

Features of the App:

  • Combative Fun: The gameplay of this RPG holds true to the high-octane, intense combat style of its PC/Console siblings. Players can traverse expansive levels, annihilating demons and earning Stylish Rank points based on their combat prowess. The ability to dodge and taunt adds an exciting twist to the gameplay.
  • Adaptations: Compared to the PC/Console versions, some features in the game have been simplified or omitted due to the limitations of the mobile platform. For instance, characters can only carry up to four weapons, and Automatic Mode is absent, but aim assist is supported. Specific button inputs allow players to execute diverse move sets.
  • Weaponry: Each character can equip up to four weapons, each with unique stats and skills. Weapons inflict direct physical damage and secondary elemental damage, with possible categories including Physical, Fire, Ice, Thunder, and Dark damage. Upgrading weapons increases damage output and unlocks different skills.
  • Signature Weapon Skins: Players can earn and apply signature weapon skins to any weapon in the same category. Unlockable signature weapon skins include Dante's Rebellion, Ebony & Ivory, Lady's Bounty Hunter, and Vergil's Yamato. These can be obtained by completing certain chapters or limited events.
  • Character Stats & Unique Stats: Each character possesses six default stats unique to them, ranging from Health Points and Power to Critical Damage. Unlocking movesets with Red Orbs allows players to share moves between firearms in the same category. Dante's Anger increases the points for Royalguard.
  • Memory Corridor and Vergil's Soul Realm: The app offers two game modes with varying levels of difficulty - Memory Corridor (Son of Sparda and Dante Must Die) and Vergil's Soul Realm (Easy, Normal, and Hard). Character stat upgrades carry over to these event modes, providing a fair fight.


"Devil May Cry: Peak of Combat" is an immersive mobile action RPG that brings the renowned Devil May Cry series to mobile devices. With its combative gameplay, adaptations from the PC/Console versions, diverse weaponry, signature weapon skins, character stats, and challenging game modes, the app offers an engaging and intense gaming experience. Players can enjoy hack-and-slash battles against demons with a range of characters and weapons. With its attractive features, this app is sure to captivate and entertain players, making it worth downloading.

Additional Game Information

Latest Version



Requires Android

Android 5.1 or later

Devil May Cry Screenshots

  • Devil May Cry Screenshot 1
  • Devil May Cry Screenshot 2
  • Devil May Cry Screenshot 3
  • Devil May Cry Screenshot 4


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