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What is XAPK? How to Install .XAPK File?

What is APK / XAPK File? How does it work?

APK is the acronym for "Android Package", which is a package file format most widely used by the Android operating system for distribution and installation of mobile apps.

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XAPK is another Android application package format used on the Android operating system to install mobile applications. It's somewhat similar to the APK format but also different. Simply speaking:

XAPK file = APK file + APK expansion files (OBB file)

APK expansion files are used as a solution for the 100MB app size limit in the Google Play Store. If an app is larger than 100MB (which is quite likely for a big game), the output package will be split into the main part (APK) and the expansion files (each file can be up to 2GB).

Since XAPK contains so many complicated files, it is harder to install and can cause a big headache if you don't use a handy tool. But now you can install any .APK and .XAPK file via 15QX.COM APP with one click !!

How to Install APK / XAPK on 15QX.COM APP?

  1. ● Step1: Download the .APK or .XAPK file you need to install, you can download almost all the APK & XAPK you want on 15QX.COM.
  2. ● Step2: Download and install the latest 15QX.COM APP for Android.(Tips: you need 15QX.COM v4.0.0.21 or later for XAPK support)
  3. ● Step3: Open 15QX.COM APP => search the APPS you need => open the APP details page => click the install button to complete the installation, it's that simple!
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