Unlocking all the adorable animals in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp requires consistent effort in raising your Camp Manager level. Reaching level 76 unlocks almost every animal, excluding those tied to Villager Maps. This guide details strategies for efficient experience farming.
Interacting with animals is key. Each map visit yields +2 friendship points. Complete their requests, chat with them, give gifts, and change their outfits to boost friendship levels. Leveling up an animal grants experience towards your Camp Manager level. Animals rotate every three hours, bringing new requests. Maximize your time by speaking to each animal before the rotation.
Animals at your campsite/cabin remain until dismissed. Warping there during the three-hour cycle reveals visiting animals, providing more friendship point opportunities. The "Tell me a story!" option sometimes leads to gift-giving, earning +6 points regardless of the animal's preference.
Remember, only red dialogue options award friendship points. Selecting an option once removes the friendship point bonus for that action.
Constructing amenities provides a simultaneous friendship point boost for multiple animals. Matching animal types to amenity types maximizes experience gains. Ensure desired animals are at your campsite before amenity completion.
Amenities require time to build but can be upgraded with Bells and materials for continuous friendship point generation. Level 4 amenities can be upgraded to max level (level 5), but this requires a 3-4 day construction period.
Snacks, collected throughout gameplay, can be gifted to animals. Matching snack types to animal types maximizes points. For instance, a Plain Waffle (natural theme) works best with natural-themed animals like Goldie.
Gulliver's Ship unlocks Villager Maps leading to Bronze, Silver, and Gold Treats at Blathers's Treasure Trek. Completing a golden/villager island yields 20 Gold Treats. Alternatively, obtain these treats through Requests or Isles of Style. These treats are universally liked, awarding +3, +10, and +25 friendship points respectively.
Pete's Parcel Service allows bulk request completion. Send items directly, earning friendship points without individual animal interactions. Prioritize higher-value items for bonus rewards and experience; rarer items also yield 1500 Bells. Consider gifting:
Reaching level 10 (or 15 for some animals) unlocks Special Requests, requiring crafted furniture (often costing 9000+ Bells and 10+ hours). While time-consuming, these requests provide significant friendship points.