If you've been completing Happy Homeroom classes in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete, you have more than likely stumbled upon a class that calls for a rare furniture item. These are Special Request furniture, and these won't be added to your craft catalog just through leveling your Camp Manager Level. Special Requests can be accepted when an animal reaches level 10 or level 15 in Pocket Camp Complete. One example of a Special Request furniture item is the Robot Hero.
Before you can get the Special Request with the Robot Hero, you'll need to invite Static to your campsite. Static is a squirrel villager you'll unlock anywhere from level 20-29. During this range, you'll get two animals per level. It's not guaranteed if you'll get Static first, so it may take some leveling before he's added to your Contacts.
Before you can invite Static to your campsite, you'll need to get his friendship to level 5. Then, you will need to craft the following furniture:
Craft Time
Modern End Table
x30 Steel
3 hours
Modern Chair
x30 Steel
2 hours
Modern Bed
x15 Cotton
2 hours
x15 Wood
Metal Guitar
x60 Steel
9 hours
x3 Cool Essence
Silver Mic
x60 Steel
9 hours
x3 Cool Essence
Once Static is at your campsite, your next step is to level him to 15. The quickest way to do this is to give him snacks such as the Gold Treats, but if you'd rather save them, you can give him these instead:
Static's theme is "cool", so snacks that share the same theme will give more friendship points.
If Static is at your campsite, you may be notified that he wants to speak with you. This is a chance to collect some friendship points. When talking to Static, select red dialogue options.
If Static is level 15, then speak to him to unlock the Robot Hero furniture item for your craft catalog. It will take 15 hours to finish crafting Robot Hero. It also requires 10230 Bells and the following crafting materials:
Robot Hero is a 6x6 item, so it takes up a bit of room when placed in your cabin or campsite. If you don't want to use Robot Hero as a decoration, then you should still craft it to complete Static's Special Request and use it in the Happy Homeroom classes.
Robot Hero is a "Recommended Furniture" item in these classes: