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Batman Games Reign Supreme: Experience the Dark Knight's Finest

Once upon a time, DC's Batman seemed to enjoy a new game release almost annually. The Dark Knight was a gaming powerhouse, and his Rocksteady-developed titles arguably revolutionized the superhero game genre, a legacy felt even today. However, lately, Batman's video game presence has dwindled. A p
By Julian
Dec 24,2024

Once upon a time, DC's Batman seemed to enjoy a new game release almost annually. The Dark Knight was a gaming powerhouse, and his Rocksteady-developed titles arguably revolutionized the superhero game genre, a legacy felt even today.

However, lately, Batman's video game presence has dwindled. A proper solo Batman adventure hasn't launched since 2017's *The Enemy Within*, and there's no immediate indication of that changing. While comic book fans eagerly anticipate upcoming superhero titles, those wanting to don the cowl will need to explore the back catalog to discover the best Batman gaming experiences.

Updated December 23, 2024 by Mark Sammut: Despite a recent lull in new Batman games, 2024 proved surprisingly significant for the Caped Crusader. He appeared in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, though it's not strictly a Batman-centric title. The https://img.15qx.comarkhamverse also expanded with a new VR entry. This review now includes an extended section on that game, plus added galleries for several top-rated Batman games.

This list primarily focuses on games featuring Batman as the protagonist. A few exceptions are included, such as the *Injustice* series (due to Batman's pivotal role) and *Gotham Knights* (as the Bat Family is intrinsically linked to Batman).
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