Black Clover M, the globally launched mobile game based on the popular manga/anime, offers thrilling turn-based combat and features beloved characters like Asta, Yuno, and Yami. Immerse yourself in stunning HD animations and visuals as you summon your favorite characters and unleash their powerful abilities. Download Black Clover M for free on Google Play and the iOS App Store.
The developers invite you to join the adventure: "A world saved from demons by the Wizard King now faces a new crisis. Asta, a boy without magic, aims to become the Wizard King, proving his strength and keeping his promise to his friends."
Redeem codes provide valuable in-game resources. These codes, distributed by the developers to enhance community engagement, offer a helping hand during challenging moments. Use the following code (as of May 2024):
Please note: Codes may not work due to expiration, usage limits, or regional restrictions. Redeem promptly for best results.
Follow these simple steps to redeem your codes:
For an optimized gaming experience, consider playing Black Clover M on PC using BlueStacks with keyboard and mouse for smoother gameplay.
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