Avowed isn't a revolutionary game, but it's a delightful RPG that perfectly captures the spirit of exploration. It evokes the magic of Morrowind, that iconic RPG which redefined immersive worlds long before modern standards. Morrowind promised adventure everywhere – in every rock, bush, mountain, and even the ocean floor. Obsidian Entertainment has masterfully recreated this sense of discovery in Avowed.
Set in the Pillars of Eternity universe, Avowed welcomes players to a richly detailed world without requiring prior knowledge of the series. While familiarity with previous games enhances the experience, the story unfolds organically through dialogue and environmental clues.
You play an emissary chosen by the Emperor of Aedyr, sent to the Living Lands to investigate a mysterious fungal plague affecting souls and driving people mad. In this world, souls have a life cycle, passing into oblivion and eventually reincarnating. The protagonist is unique; born touched by a god (though which one remains a mystery), they bear peculiar plant-like growths on their head, arousing fear in some.
Arrival in the Living Lands is anything but peaceful; your ship is attacked by maddened Aedyran guards. Reaching the port city of Paradise (ironic, yet fitting), you find high-ranking officials missing, the gates closed, and chaos reigning. A classic RPG setup, indeed.
Exploration immediately reveals the game's joy. My first act? Diving into the sea near the port, uncovering sunken treasure while narrowly avoiding a watery grave. From there, a smugglers' camp, eavesdropping, a close call… and then, back to the port for quests and more exploration.
One highlight: breaking into a house, looting it, then scaling scaffolding like a mountain goat to reach a lighthouse. The reward? A treasure map, rare boots with a unique history, and breathtaking views. As night fell, glowing mushrooms revealed hidden paths and secrets.
Surprises abound. A chest hidden under spiderwebs in the sewers (a torch is needed!), coins in a nest perched precariously on beams, a backpack filled with goodies hanging from a cliff, a sun-bleached skeleton below… even freezing the water with an ice grenade to retrieve submerged loot.
Such moments of discovery are plentiful. Supplies appear on rooftops, behind waterfalls, atop hills, leading to quests, rare items, and intriguing scenarios. Helping a blind man and his grieving wife, retrieving a nobleman's ring (which boosted my health regeneration!), and discovering the tragic tale of two lovers.
Following a trail led to a reptilian camp and a battle with a formidable giant, testing my skills and equipment. The exploration itself offers a rich tapestry of narratives.
Eight hours in, countless adventures unfolded without focusing on the main quest or repetitive grinding. Experimenting with builds (shield and staff, or heavy armor and melee weapons), each choice opened new possibilities. The unanswered questions and unexplored systems make the journey far from over.
Hidden chests, untold stories, and forgotten treasures await. Avowed delivers an endless stream of discoveries, reminding us why RPGs remain captivating.