Home > News > Giant Tank Hits the Streets: 'World of Tanks Blitz' IRL

Giant Tank Hits the Streets: 'World of Tanks Blitz' IRL

World of Tanks Blitz launches a unique marketing campaign: a cross-country road trip with a real, graffiti-covered tank! This eye-catching stunt promotes the recent Deadmau5 collaboration. The decommissioned tank, fully street-legal, toured the US, making a timely appearance at The Game Awards in L
By Zoe
Dec 14,2024

World of Tanks Blitz launches a unique marketing campaign: a cross-country road trip with a real, graffiti-covered tank! This eye-catching stunt promotes the recent Deadmau5 collaboration.

The decommissioned tank, fully street-legal, toured the US, making a timely appearance at The Game Awards in Los Angeles. Fans who spotted and photographed the tank had the chance to win exclusive merchandise.

The Deadmau5 collaboration in World of Tanks Blitz is now live, offering players the chance to acquire the exclusive Mau5tank – complete with lights, speakers, and music. The event also includes themed quests, camos, and cosmetic items.


The campaign playfully highlights the game's gamification. While some hardcore military simulation enthusiasts might disapprove, the stunt is undeniably fun and harmless. It's not a novel approach – other companies, even breweries, have employed similar tactics – but the sight of a decorated tank cruising through neighborhoods is sure to add some excitement to a winter day.

Ready to join the action? Before diving into World of Tanks Blitz, check out our list of current promo codes for a head start!

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