Hearthstone's next expansion, *Into the Emerald Dream*, arrives March 25th, bringing 145 new cards, exciting new mechanics, and powerful Legendary Wild Gods. Prepare for a magical journey, but be warned—the Dream is twisted and fraught with danger.
Ysera's serene Emerald Dream, the heart of nature magic, faces a grave threat. Will you defend its beauty, or embrace the encroaching chaos?
The expansion introduces the Imbue keyword. For Druids, Hunters, Mages, Paladins, Priests, and Shamans, the World Tree offers its blessings. Playing an Imbue card transforms your Hero Power, becoming progressively stronger with each subsequent Imbue card played. Hunters, for example, receive the Blessing of the Wolf. Other classes, however, will find Imbue cards inert.
If protecting nature isn't your style, the Old Gods beckon with Dark Gifts, a corrupting new keyword. Death Knights, Demon Hunters, Rogues, Warlocks, and Warriors can harness this twisted power. Dark Gifts synergize with Discover options, creating nightmarish minions capable of devastating your opponents. Ten unique Dark Gifts await within Into the Emerald Dream.
The expansion also features the Wild Gods, colossal forces of nature, each assigned to a class. Some have succumbed to corruption, creating a fascinating conflict between those defending the Dream and those embracing the Nightmare.
Into the Emerald Dream promises a wealth of new content for Hearthstone players. Get ready for its launch on March 25th, and download the game now from the Google Play Store.
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