Eliminating mobs in *Minecraft* can be necessary for various reasons. While numerous methods exist, using commands offers the most efficient approach, specifically the `/kill` command. However, this command requires precise syntax to achieve the desired outcome. This guide details how to effectively use the `/kill` command to target and remove mobs in your *Minecraft* world.
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Before utilizing the `/kill` command, ensure your world is set to allow cheats. If you're unsure how to enable cheats, skip ahead to the relevant section below.
The basic `/kill` command is straightforward: type `/kill` into the chat box. However, this will only kill your own player character. To target mobs, you need to add specific parameters.
To eliminate all mobs, use this command:
`/kill @e[type=!minecraft:player]` – This command targets all entities (`@e`), excluding the player (`type=!minecraft:player`).
For targeting specific mob types, modify the command. For example, to kill all chickens:
`/kill @e[type=minecraft:chicken]`
You can also specify a kill radius. To eliminate all mobs within 15 blocks:
`/kill @e[distance=..15]` – Java Edition
`/kill @e[r=10]` – Bedrock Edition
To target a specific mob type within a radius (e.g., sheep within 15 blocks):
`/kill @e[distance=..15,type=minecraft:sheep]` – Java Edition
`/kill @e[r=10,type=minecraft:sheep]` – Bedrock Edition
Both Java and Bedrock editions offer command autocompletion, simplifying the process. The `/kill` command is relatively intuitive; a couple of attempts should solidify your understanding.
Beyond `@e`, other selectors exist for targeting different entities:
`@p` – nearest player
`@r` – random player
`@a` – all players
`@e` – all entities
`@s` – yourself
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How To Turn On Cheats/Commands in Minecraft
The mob-killing commands are ineffective without cheats enabled. Here's how to enable them:
Access your world, press Esc, and select "Open to LAN." Enable "Allow Commands." This setting is temporary; you must repeat this process for each session. To permanently enable cheats, create a world copy with cheats enabled. In the main menu's Singleplayer section, locate your world, select "Re-create," and enable "Allow Commands" during world creation.
Navigate to your worlds, select the world you wish to modify, and click the pencil icon. In the settings menu, toggle "Cheats" to "On."
This comprehensive guide covers effectively killing mobs using the `/kill` command in *Minecraft*.
*Minecraft is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PC, and mobile.*