Dive into the world of Rune Slayer on Roblox and experience the thrill of an MMORPG right within your favorite platform! Complete "Kill 10 X" quests, craft epic gear, conquer challenging dungeons, and even cast a line for some relaxing fishing. But no true MMORPG is complete without a trusty mount, and Rune Slayer delivers just that. While obtaining a mount isn't overly complex, the game doesn't exactly hand you a guide. Fear not, we've got you covered!
Before you picture yourself speeding across the Rune Slayer landscape, there are a couple of prerequisites:
Once you hit level 20, head to Jimmy the Stable Master in Wayshire. He'll present you with a delivery quest to Ashenshire.
Accept "Jimmy's Delivery" and journey north through Wayshire's northern gate. Follow the path, climb the hill leading to Greatwood Forest (be mindful of the tougher mobs here), and continue north until you reach Ashenshire—recognizable by the large houses perched atop giant trees.
Find the rope, climb up, and speak to Madonna the Stable Master (the first NPC you'll encounter). Select "I have a package for you." After she accepts the package, retrace your steps back to Wayshire.
Upon your return, speak with Jimmy. He'll reward you with a saddle, which will automatically equip your pet.
Summon your pet (hold "T"), approach it, and select "Mount" (usually "E"). Enjoy your newfound high-speed travel across the Rune Slayer world! This works with all mountable pets.
For more assistance, check out our Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Rune Slayer and our dedicated fishing guide!