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How to Read the Game of Thrones Books in Chronological Order

For over two decades, George R.R. Martin's *A Song of Ice and Fire* has captivated readers and cemented its place as a landmark fantasy saga. The bestselling novels, amplified by HBO's hugely successful adaptation, have firmly established Westeros in the pop culture consciousness. This enduring po
By Noah
Mar 20,2025

For over two decades, George R.R. Martin's *A Song of Ice and Fire* has captivated readers and cemented its place as a landmark fantasy saga. The bestselling novels, amplified by HBO's hugely successful adaptation, have firmly established Westeros in the pop culture consciousness. This enduring popularity continues, fueled in no small part by the acclaimed prequel series, *House of the Dragon*.

With *House of the Dragon* Season 2 now streaming, there's no better time to delve into the source material and experience Westeros through the eyes of its creator. For those yet to embark on this epic journey, this guide provides a chronological reading order for all the *Game of Thrones* books.

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  • Game of Thrones Books in Chronological Order
  • Game of Thrones Books by Release Date
  • Upcoming GoT Books
  • How Many Game of Thrones Books Are There in the Series?

George R.R. Martin has published five novels in the *A Song of Ice and Fire* saga. He's currently working on two more: *The Winds of Winter* and *A Dream of Spring*. While fans eagerly await Martin's completion of the series, a creative individual even utilized ChatGPT to speculate on a potential ending. The question of whether Martin will finish the series remains a topic of much discussion among fans.

Beyond the main saga, Martin has enriched the *ASoIaF* universe with several companion works, including three *Dunk & Egg* novellas (collected in 2015's *A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms*), three Targaryen-focused novellas (collected and expanded in 2018's *Fire & Blood*), and a comprehensive world guide, *The World of Ice & Fire*. More details on each are provided below.

Game of Thrones Book Sets

For fans preferring physical copies, collecting the *Game of Thrones* books as a set offers a rewarding experience. Several sets are available, but the leather-bound edition currently featured in an Amazon sale stands out as a particularly impressive collector's item.

A Song of Ice and Fire Box Set

A Song of Ice and Fire Box Set

Contains the set of 5 books. $85.00 (save 46%) $46.00 at Amazon

How to Read the Game of Thrones Books in Chronological Order

For newcomers to the series, these brief plot summaries contain only minor spoilers, focusing on broad plot points and character introductions.

1. Fire & Blood

Fire & Blood: 300 Years Before A Game of Thrones

Fire & Blood, the source material for HBO's *House of the Dragon*, chronicles the 300-year reign of House Targaryen in Westeros. Unlike the *A Song of Ice and Fire* novels, *Fire & Blood* isn't told from a character's perspective but rather presented as a historical account by Archmaester Gyldayn, who lived towards the end of the Targaryen dynasty and into Robert Baratheon's reign. While Gyldayn's writing is situated around the beginning of *A Song of Ice and Fire* (ASoIaF), the events described span roughly 150 years—the first 150 years of the Targaryen dynasty. A second volume is expected to cover the remaining years.

Fire & Blood incorporates and expands upon three previously published ASoIaF novellas: *The Princess and the Queen*, *The Rogue Prince*, and *The Sons of the Dragon*. *The Rise of the Dragon*, a condensed and illustrated version of *Fire & Blood*, has also been released.

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2. A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms collects three novellas featuring Ser Duncan the Tall (Dunk) and his squire Aegon V Targaryen (Egg). Set approximately 90 years before *A Game of Thrones*, these stories provide a different perspective within the Seven Kingdoms. While not directly part of the main novels, they offer enjoyable supplementary reading for fans seeking further adventures and insights.

3. A Game of Thrones

A Game of Thrones

The inaugural novel, A Game of Thrones (1996), introduces readers to Westeros, its prominent houses, and the diverse cast of characters who populate this world. Set during Robert Baratheon's reign, following Robert's Rebellion and the fall of the Targaryen dynasty, the story sets in motion the War of the Five Kings, with five individuals vying for control of the Iron Throne. Political intrigue, betrayal, family conflicts, and violence are central themes that continue throughout the series.

Every IGN Game of Thrones ReviewEvery IGN Game of Thrones ReviewEvery IGN Game of Thrones ReviewEvery IGN Game of Thrones ReviewEvery IGN Game of Thrones ReviewEvery IGN Game of Thrones Review

4. A Clash of Kings

A Clash of Kings

A Clash of Kings continues the War of the Five Kings, with the competing claimants rallying their forces. The Lannisters consolidate their power in King's Landing, Jon Snow journeys north of the Wall, and Daenerys navigates her path in Essos.

5. A Storm of Swords

A Storm of Swords

A Storm of Swords largely concludes the War of the Five Kings, though lingering conflicts remain. The Stark children face various challenges, Jon Snow ventures beyond the Wall, and Daenerys's leadership is tested in the East.

6. A Feast for Crows

A Feast for Crows

A Feast for Crows runs concurrently with *A Dance with Dragons*, focusing on characters primarily in King's Landing, the Iron Islands, and Dorne. Several key characters from previous books—Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister, and Daenerys Targaryen—are absent from this installment.

7. A Dance with Dragons

A Dance with Dragons

A Dance with Dragons reunites readers with characters absent from *A Feast for Crows*, picking up after the events of *A Storm of Swords*. It introduces new challenges and plots, further developing the storylines of various characters.

Bonus: The World of Ice & Fire

The World of Ice & Fire

The World of Ice & Fire is a companion book providing a detailed history of Martin's world, from the Dawn Age to the events of the main novels. It’s a rich source of background information and lore.

The Iron Throne as depicted by artist Marc Simonetti in The World of Ice & Fire

How to Read the Game of Thrones Books by Release Date

A Game of Thrones (1996)
A Clash of Kings (1999)
A Storm of Swords (2000)
A Feast for Crows (2005)
A Dance with Dragons (2011)
The World of Ice & Fire (2014)
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (2015)
Fire & Blood (2018)

Upcoming Game of Thrones Books

A Feast for Crows: The Illustrated Edition

A Feast for Crows: The Illustrated Edition

Available November 4, 2025.

The Winds of Winter

The next installment in the main saga, *The Winds of Winter*, is highly anticipated by fans. Martin has shared updates on its progress, promising a departure from the television series' storyline.

A Dream of Spring

The planned final book in the *A Song of Ice and Fire* series.

Fire & Blood Volume 2

A continuation of the Targaryen history, covering the latter half of their 300-year reign.

Future Dunk & Egg Novellas

Martin intends to write more *Dunk & Egg* novellas, though their release is contingent on the completion of *The Winds of Winter*. An HBO series adaptation is also in development.

For further reading, explore our best fantasy books list or find the perfect reading light.

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