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"Realm Watcher" adds two legendary heroes, and the lineup is strengthened

Watcher of Realms introduces two new legendary heroes: Ingrid and Glacius. Ingrid, arriving July 27th, is a damage-focused mage with unique abilities. Glacius, coming soon, is an ice-elemental with strong control effects. These additions enhance the game's roster and offer new strategic options.
By Kristen
Jul 25,2024

Watcher of Realms adds two new legendary heroes in its newest update
Ingrid is set to arrive July 27th, with Glacius coming soon after
Damage dealers with unique abilities, they're great additions to your lineup

Watcher of Realms, the next-gen fantasy RPG from Moonton, is set to introduce two new legendary heroes and more in its latest update. Coming July 27th, Ingrid is the second lord in the Watchguard faction and will be joined by the mage Glacius from the North Throne faction who's coming soon after.
Ingrid is a damage-focused character who can use her powers as a mage to take two forms that allow her to deal damage to more than one enemy. Able to switch between these forms freely, Ingrid is promised to dramatically change up your team's composition in Watcher of Realms.
Glacius, meanwhile is an ice-elemental as you might've guessed. Aside from dealing damage, Glacius also uses his skills to apply strong control effects to enemies allowing him to control the battlefield. He's a great addition to teams that focus on using control effects or who need to deal large amounts of damage.


Watching those realms
While the new lords are, of course, the biggest news, there's also some additional content in the form of new skins. The character Luneria will receive a new skin as part of the game's dragon pass called Nether Psyche. 

And finally, there's a new shard summon event that'll let you eventually acquire the epic hero Eliza. If you're looking for a marksman with the ability to redeploy quickly and bring some evasive abilities to the table, she's your woman.

Phew, that's a lot. But if you're not that into Watcher of Realms, then don't fret about wasting time. Because you can always check in on our list of the best mobile games of 2024 (so far) to find some of our top picks for games to play!

Better yet, you can also dig into our other list of the most anticipated mobile games of the year to find out what else is coming soon! And mark your calendars for some major releases in the coming months.

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