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Roguelike RPG 'Obsidian Knight' Lands on Android, Unleashing PvP Encounters

Obsidian Knight, a new RPG from ActFirst Games, features mystery, combat, and roguelike elements. As the titular knight, players embark on a quest to uncover the fate of the vanished king, facing bandits, mythical creatures, and seven enigmatic rulers. With customizable abilities, loot drops, and PvP battles, Obsidian Knight offers a unique and engaging gaming experience.
By Kristen
Oct 18,2024

Roguelike RPG 'Obsidian Knight' Lands on Android, Unleashing PvP Encounters

Obsidian Knight is a new RPG with mystery, combat and tough challenges. (Not to be confused with the Imperial from Warhammer 40k!) Developed and published by ActFirst Games, the game is free to play and offers some in-app purchases.What’s The Story?The king has vanished, gone without a trace, and the whole realm is now in a chaos. So, there are seven rulers running the kingdom, but no one really knows what their deal is. And that’s where the Obsidian Knight takes things into their hands. Yes, you play as the knight.As the Knight, your job is to figure out what happened to the king. And in that quest, there are bandits, mythical creatures like zombies and skeletons and giants to fight.Obsidian Knight is a roguelike. So, every time you play, it’s a little different. The game’s combat system lets you mix and match abilities in multiple ways. Also, there’s a ton of loot to grab, including rare items to boost your strength.Will You Try Out Obsidian Knight?The game has PvP battles, where you can throw down with other players to see who’s really the best knight around. It also has a pretty compelling storyline. You’ll be sent on quests to uncover all the secrets of the mysterious land.Right now, there are special capes and set items to celebrate the game’s launch. You can check Obsidian Knight on the Google Play Store and get your hands on all the rewards.  Also, read our other scoop before heading out. Watcher of Realms Is Dropping The Black Blade Chronicles With New Samurai Heroes.

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