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Best Settings to Reduce Motion Sickness in Avowed

Motion sickness can really put a damper on enjoying first-person games, and Avowed is no exception. If you're feeling queasy while playing, don't worry—we've got some tips to help. The key culprits are usually head movement, field of view, and motion blur. Let's tackle those settings to find your c
By Nova
Mar 16,2025

Motion sickness can really put a damper on enjoying first-person games, and Avowed is no exception. If you're feeling queasy while playing, don't worry—we've got some tips to help. The key culprits are usually head movement, field of view, and motion blur. Let's tackle those settings to find your comfort zone.

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The Best Settings to Reduce Motion Sickness in Avowed
How to Remove Head Movement and Camera Shake
How to Fix the Field of View and Motion Blur
What If You’re Still Feeling Motion Sick?

The Best Settings to Reduce Motion Sickness in Avowed

The most common causes of motion sickness in first-person games like Avowed are head movement and camera effects, along with field of view and motion blur settings. Let's adjust those to minimize discomfort.

How to Remove Head Movement and Camera Shake

An image showing the settings menu in Avowed as part of a guide on how to reduce motion sickness while playing the game.

First, let's tackle head movement and camera shake. Navigate to the "Settings" menu and select the "Game" tab. Find the "Camera" section and adjust the following:

  • Third-Person View: On or Off (your preference).
  • Head Bobbing: Off
  • Head Bobbing Strength: 0%
  • Local Camera Shake Strength: 0%
  • World Camera Shake Strength: 0%
  • Camera Sway Strength: 0%
  • Animated Camera Strength: 0%

These adjustments often significantly reduce motion sickness. Experiment slightly to find the optimal balance between immersion and comfort.

How to Fix the Field of View and Motion Blur

An image showing the settings menu in Avowed as part of a guide on how to reduce motion sickness while playing the game.

If eliminating head bobbing and camera shake isn't enough, let's tweak the "Graphics" settings. Go to "Settings," select the "Graphics" tab, and look for the "Field of View" and "Motion Blur" sliders. Here's what to do:

  • Field of View: Start with a lower Field of View and gradually increase it until you find a comfortable setting. This may require some experimentation.
  • Motion Blur: Reducing or completely disabling motion blur often helps alleviate motion sickness. Try setting it to zero and adjust as needed.

What If You’re Still Feeling Motion Sick?

If you're still experiencing motion sickness after adjusting these settings, continue experimenting with different combinations. Consider switching between first-person and third-person view as needed. If all else fails, take a break, drink some water, and try again later. Don't push yourself if you're feeling unwell.

These settings should significantly improve your Avowed experience. Happy gaming!

Avowed is available now.

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