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How To Use the Long Sword in Monster Hunter Wilds: All Moves and Combos

Mastering the Long Sword in Monster Hunter Wilds: A Comprehensive Guide The Monster Hunter series shines with its diverse weapon arsenal, and the Long Sword stands out for its blend of speed and power. This guide provides a detailed walkthrough to help you dominate with this versatile weapon in Mons
By Nathan
Mar 04,2025

Mastering the Long Sword in Monster Hunter Wilds: A Comprehensive Guide

The Monster Hunter series shines with its diverse weapon arsenal, and the Long Sword stands out for its blend of speed and power. This guide provides a detailed walkthrough to help you dominate with this versatile weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds.

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The Long Sword's versatility lies in its adaptable attack style, offering both swift combos and defensive counters.

All Long Sword Moves

Triangle/YStandard AttackSpirit Blade attacks are slashing attacks consuming the Spirit Gauge. The direction of Spirit Blade I and II is adjustable with the analog stick.
Circle/BThrustFollow up with Circle/B for a Rising Slash.
R2/RTSpirit Blade ISpirit Blade attacks are slashing attacks consuming the Spirit Gauge. The direction of Spirit Blade I and II is adjustable with the analog stick.
R2/RT x 4Spirit Blade ComboSpirit Blade attacks are slashing attacks consuming the Spirit Gauge. The direction of Spirit Blade I and II is adjustable with the analog stick.
Holding R2/RTSpirit ChargeFills the Spirit Gauge, enabling Spirit Blade attacks. Charge duration determines attack power; a full charge unleashes a Spirit Roundslash. A red gauge grants invulnerability during the Roundslash.
Triangle/Y + Circle/BFade SlashA backward slashing attack, directionally controlled via the analog stick.
R2/RT + Circle/B (During Combo)Foresight SlashA mid-combo attack with significant invulnerability. Consumes the entire Spirit Gauge, but landing it after a dodge fully refills it. Chain into a Spirit Roundslash with R2/RT. With an empty gauge, its effect diminishes; with a red gauge, it's followed by a Foresight Whirl Slash.
R2/RT + Triangle/YSpirit ThrustLowers the Spirit Gauge (White or higher) but chains into a Spirit Helm Breaker, followed by a Spirit Release Slash (red gauge). Cancel Spirit Helm Breaker with Square/X.
R2/RT + Cross/ASpecial SheathA special sheathing action.
(After Special Sheath) Triangle/YIai SlashAutomatically refills the Spirit Gauge briefly.
(After Special Sheath) R2/RTIai Spirit SlashA timed counterattack against enemy attacks, raising the Spirit Gauge level.
L2/LT + R1/RBFocus Strike: Unbound ThrustEffective against wounds. Hitting a wound/weak point unleashes a slash, increasing the Spirit Gauge. Direction is adjustable with the analog stick.

The Spirit Gauge: Key to Long Sword Mastery

Unique to the Long Sword, the Spirit Gauge boosts damage. Higher levels mean greater damage, unlocking powerful follow-up attacks at maximum level. Attacks fill the gauge; Spirit Blade attacks and the Spirit Roundslash/Focus Strike raise its level. A red gauge extends the duration of the Spirit Roundslash or Spinning Crimson Slash, as it depletes over time.

Damage Multipliers:

  • White: 1.02x
  • Yellow: 1.04x
  • Red: 1.1x

Long Sword Combos: Unleashing Your Potential

Mastering these combos is crucial for maximizing damage:

  • Spirit Gauge Filling/Leveling Combo: A four-chain of Triangle/Y Overhead Slashes rapidly fills the gauge. A four-chain of R2/RT, landing the final Spirit Roundslash, increases the gauge level.

  • Crimson Slash Combo: With a red, maxed gauge, chain three Triangle/Y Crimson Slashes for a high-damage combo.

  • Stationary Combo: Using Triangle/Y + Circle/B + Triangle/Y (Crimson Slash, Rising Slash, Crimson Slash) keeps you stationary while dealing damage.

Long Sword Advanced Techniques

The Spirit Gauge is central to optimal Long Sword usage:

  • Spirit Charge (Holding R2/RT): A full charge enables a direct Spirit Roundslash, instantly boosting the gauge.

  • Spirit Helm Breaker/Spirit Release Slash: The Spirit Helm Breaker (after a Spirit Thrust) delivers maximum damage, followed by the Spirit Release Slash (red gauge).

  • Free Spirit Gauge Levels: Focus Strikes on wounds grant one gauge level per wound, potentially reaching red instantly. Combine with a Spirit Blade combo and Spirit Blade Roundhouse for an extra level.

  • Countering with Iai Spirit Slash: Use Special Sheath (R2/RT + Cross/A), time the Iai Spirit Slash to counter enemy attacks, and avoid damage while gaining a gauge level.


Mastering the Long Sword requires understanding its mechanics and combos. By utilizing the Spirit Gauge effectively and employing the advanced techniques described above, you'll become a formidable hunter in Monster Hunter Wilds.

Monster Hunter Wilds is available now on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

Monster Hunter Wilds Long Sword Combos

Image Source: Capcom via The Escapist

Monster Hunter Wilds Long Sword Tips

Image Source: Capcom via The Escapist

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