Warframe: 1999 is getting a new prequel comic ahead of launch
Learn more about the six protoframes and their relation to rogue scientist Albrecht Entrati
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You may remember a few weeks ago that I wrote up a lot about the Sea of Conquest comic that was being produced by Studio Ellipsis. As I observed then, it seemed an interesting project to support a piece of new media with something more traditional. And it seems I didn't have to wait long to see another studio take the same tack, as the upcoming expansion Warframe: 1999 has also received a prequel comic!
可直接从 Warframe 网站获取,该漫画将涵盖组成 Hex Syndicate 的六个 Protoframe 的起源,这些 Protoframe 是资料片的主角。您会更多地了解这六名格格不入的人的生活,以及他们在流氓科学家 Albrecht Entrati 手中遭受的实验,以及事物如何与更广阔的 Warframe 宇宙联系起来,所有这些都由 Warframe 粉丝艺术家 Karu 精心渲染。
但这还不是全部!除了这本 33 页的前传漫画外,您还可以抓住封面作为您的着陆平台的装饰。所有 Protoframe 的免费可打印 3D 微缩模型也可供玩家建造和绘画。
框架项目Warframe:1999,尽管在技术上是资料片似乎确实是 Warframe 开发的真正下一阶段。我认为看到 Digital Extremes 的团队聘请了像 Karu 这样的粉丝艺术家也是非常令人钦佩的,他的作品为 Warframe 社区的活力做出了贡献,并为他们的艺术作品向更广泛的受众展示提供了一个渠道。
如果您想了解有关 Warframe: 1999 及其相关工作的更多信息,为什么不看看我们对一些配音演员的采访呢?我们采访了 Ben Starr、Alpha Takahashi 和 Nick Apostolides,讨论了他们在 Warframe: 1999 中的角色以及您对完整资料片的期待!