Xbox Game Pass has moved to let players stream releases from outside their catalogue
It means titles not in the Game Pass catalogue can be streamed via your phone or tablet
Witcher 3, Space Marine 3, Baldur's Gate 3 and more are all available
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members will soon be able to stream titles they own, even ones that are not included in the usual Game Pass catalogue, via a number of new devices. The newest update to the Xbox Cloud Gaming beta currently supports 28 countries, and the addition of 50 new releases means you can stream even more via your chosen device.
以前,只有通过其目录提供的常规 Game Pass 版本可用于云游戏功能,该功能本身已经处于测试阶段一段时间了。因此,允许您播放自己的目录的举措是扩大流媒体可用版本的关键之一。
这也意味着一些令人惊叹的游戏,如《博德之门 3》、《星际战士 2》、《巴拉特罗》等将在可通过您的手机或平板电脑进行流式传输!对于这样的流媒体来说,即使不是完全前所未有的新功能,也是非常令人惊叹的。
如果您需要一些有关如何设置控制台流式传输的基本说明,我们为此准备了一份指南。更不用说还有另一个关于从您的 PC 进行流媒体播放的指南了!这样您就可以随时随地玩。