Techland的公關經理Paulina Dziedziak向Insider Gaming透露,Exorbitant版本純粹是宣傳特技。她解釋說:“這是一個公關特技,旨在引起媒體的狂野和非常規性,” “目標是在遊戲的發行版中引起嗡嗡聲,這就是這樣做的!值得慶幸的是,沒有人最終購買它。”
The £250,000 (approximately $386,000 at the time) "My Apocalypse Edition" of Dying Light offered an incredible array of items: a personalized in-game appearance, a life-sized statue of the protagonist "Jump," professional parkour lessons, night-vision goggles, an all-expenses-paid trip to Techland's headquarters, four signed game copies, a Razer headset, and a custom zombie-defense Tiger Log Cabins建造的生存庇護所。
Techland顯然將My Apocalypse版本作為營銷工具。問題仍然存在:他們會履行訂單,包括有人實際購買了現實生活中的掩體嗎?這仍然是一個令人著迷的,未解決的問題。