Rocksteady Studios, renowned for the acclaimed Batman: Arkham series, has experienced another wave of layoffs, following the disappointing performance of its latest title, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. The game's mixed reception and subsequent decline in post-launch engagement contributed to the studio's financial difficulties.
The studio's struggles began earlier in 2024, when Suicide Squad failed to meet sales projections, as reported by Warner Bros. in February. This led to a significant reduction of the QA team in September, cutting the staff by approximately half.
Unfortunately, this was not an isolated incident. Recent reports from Eurogamer indicate additional layoffs at the end of 2024, impacting not only QA, but also members of the programming and art departments. Several anonymous employees confirmed their dismissals, highlighting the severity of the situation. Warner Bros. has yet to publicly address these latest job cuts, mirroring their silence on the September layoffs.
Ripple Effect Across WB Games
The impact of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League's underperformance extends beyond Rocksteady. WB Games Montreal, the studio behind Batman: Arkham Origins and Gotham Knights, also experienced layoffs in December, primarily affecting QA staff who supported Suicide Squad's post-launch content.
The final DLC, released December 10th, introduced Deathstroke as a playable character. While Rocksteady plans one last update for Suicide Squad later this month, the studio's future remains uncertain. The game's underperformance casts a shadow on Rocksteady's otherwise impressive track record, leaving a significant mark on the studio's legacy.
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